2851 Meadow Lark Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
Juvenile Court is responsible for adjudicating matters involving minors. The judicial officers assigned to Juvenile Court hear a variety of cases including dependency matters regarding child abuse or neglect; juvenile justice (delinquency) in which a minor is charged with an offense that would be considered a misdemeanor or felony if committed by an adult; adoption cases; emancipations; and court permission for a minor to marry or establish a domestic partnership.
Juvenile traffic infractions are heard in the adult traffic courts at the Kearny Mesa, East County, South County and North County courthouses.
Dependency matters can also be heard in North and East County.
For more detailed information about juvenile proceedings and resources, please refer to the Juvenile Court’s homepage.
(858) 634-1600
(858) 634-1671
(858) 634-1616
(760) 201-8600
(619) 456-4328
Many of the business office phones are answered from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. For specific business office hours and phone hours, please refer to the Contact Us page.
For specific courtroom telephone numbers, see the list of current departments.
From Highway 163
Take the Genesee Avenue East exit and merge onto Genesee Avenue.
Genesee Avenue becomes Starling Drive.
Turn left onto Meadow Lark Drive.