325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081
The North County Regional Center is a facility shared by the Superior Court, Sheriff, Probation, District Attorney, Revenue and Recovery, and the Board of Supervisors. The North County Superior Court is a full service branch court. Currently the Court hears Criminal, Civil, Family Law, Appeals, Adoption, Traffic and Minor Offense cases. This branch court has a venue encompassing most of Northern San Diego County.
(760) 201-8600
(760) 201-8600 x16420
(760) 201-8600 x123
(760) 201-8600 x1410
(760) 201-8600 x17120
(760) 201-8600 x150
(760) 201-8516
(760) 201-8600 x160
(760) 201-8600 x140
(760) 201-8600 x130
(760) 201-8600 x1420
(760) 201-8500
Many of the business office phones are answered from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. For specific business office hours and phone hours, please refer to the Contact Us page.
For specific courtroom telephone numbers, see the list of current departments.
From Interstate 5
Exit the freeway at Highway 78 and drive East approximately seven miles. Exit Highway 78 at Melrose Drive and turn right. Proceed approximately 1/4 mile to County Complex Way. Turn right into the parking lot.
From Interstate 15
From Interstate 15 take Highway 78 west to Vista Village Drive (approximately 12 miles). Exit Highway 78 at Vista Village Drive. Turn left on Vista Village Drive and then right on Hacienda. Turn left on South Melrose. Proceed approximately 1/8 mile to County Complex Way. Turn right into the parking lot.