Please note: The Civil Division has transitioned to a new case management system
Please be patient while we work through some challenges with data conversion and other technological issues. Due to the transition, we are experiencing a significant backlog in all filing types. Rest assured that we are making every effort to focus on time-sensitive matters while processing submissions in the order received.
Your role is crucial in streamlining the backlog. Please refer to the Civil Filing Names and Unlawful Detainer Filing Names documents located under the reference material section below. It is vital that you carefully reference this document before submitting your efiling. Incorrectly designating a filing causes delays, adds additional work to the staff processing your documents, and in some instances, leads to a rejection of the filing.
To assist the court and reduce any unnecessary delays in scheduled hearings, at the time a document is efiled also please provide (directly to the department with the envelope ID included in the upper right-hand corner of the document) courtesy copies of documents such as stipulations, ex parte requests, law and motion oppositions and replies, supporting declarations, lodgments, requests for judicial notice, etc. In addition, it is recommended that you file any Requests to Enter Default separately and apart from judgment packages. Failing to do so may result in longer than usual processing times.
Please avoid contacting the courtroom or business office regarding the status of any filings submitted if they have been pending for less than a month. The decrease in inquiries regarding pending transactions will allow staff the much-needed time required to focus on processing the backlog.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to navigate our case management transition.